I am a mosaic artist living in Acton, Maine, working primarily in natural stone. My love of rocks began as a child. I collected and stored them in cardboard egg crates. 

As an adult, I spent decades working with people, first in human resources and later, as a life coach. Now, as a full-time mosaicist, I bring my past experiences in people development together with my love of stone, when I create my mosaics.

The natural beauty of stone, with its inherent flaws and imperfections is much like the intricacies found in individuals, these characteristics provide unique opportunities to bring out the beauty in the material, and create narratives with themes of development and positive change.

I believe that in life and in art, it's about bringing out the best in everything. And with stone, I find that the pieces know where they want to go, how they want to fit together, and which flawed or beautiful side they want to present to the world.

~Nancy E Maloney

“Each mosaic I create begins with a feeling and ends in a story. I hope you enjoy the story it reveals to you.”